jeffreylichtman2 (1)
New York Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer
- Paycheck Protection Program Fraud
- Telemarketing and Email Marketing Fraud
- Major Fraud Against the United States
- Access Device Fraud
- Assault
- Conspiracy
- Counterfeiting
- Domestic Violence
- Bankruptcy Fraud
- Sex Crimes
- Health Care Fraud
- Embezzlement
- The First Step Act
- Chop Shops
- Drug Crimes
- Gun Offenses
- Cybercrimes
- Government Program Fraud
- Harboring a Fugitive
- Bank Robbery
- Obstruction of Justice
- Unlawful Employment of Illegal Aliens
- Tax Crimes
- Forgery
- Money Laundering
- Mortgage Fraud
- Bank Fraud
- Perjury
- Extortion
- Misprision of a Felony
- Kidnapping
- False Statements
- Hobbs Act
- Mail and Wire Fraud
- Sentencing